All aboard, Queenstown, bound for Dubbil Barril

Pride in the engines and the rolling stock is very evident

No 3 was one of the origional locos built in Glasgow and purchased by the Mt Lyell Mining Company in 1898 to service mining operations, namely the transport of copper from the mine at Queenstown to the port at Strahan, 50km south-west at the mouth of the Gordon River.

Rewatering at Lynchford Station. Topping up regularly is critical to ensure sufficient steam to make the steep grade between this station and Rinadeena using the Abt cog railway system.

It takes around 100 staff to operate the railway, mostly locals. Tourism is an important diversification for the west coast economy where mining has, for more than 100 years, held sway. The re-building of the railway in the early 2000s was a labour of local love which has now morphed into a major tourist drawcard for the area.

The Queen River valley, rugged country, particularly when building a railway

Hand operated turn-table at Dubbil Barril

Preparing to head back to Queenstown

Typical bridge design used on the railway

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