Torndirrup National Park, Albany

The Gap, Torndirrup National Park, Albany

Torndirrup National Park, Albany

Natural Bridge, Torndirrup National Park, Albany

Torndirrup National Park, Albany

Ocean Beach, Denmark

Greens Pool, William Bay, William Bay National Park, Denmark

Elephant Cove, William Bay, William Bay National Park, Denmark

Tree top walk through the ancient Tingle forest, Valley of the Giants, Walpole Nornalup National Park, Walpole. Red (Eucalyptus jacksonii) and Yellow (E. guilfoyle) Tingles grow to at least 60m high and live for many hundreds of years.

Gnarled Tingle tree, Valley of the Giants, Walpole

Tingle trees are often affected by insect and fungal attack which results in rotting at the base of the tree. This then makes the tree vulnerable to wild fire. The last most devastating fires were in the 1930s and 50s.

The meeting of the Indian and Southern Ocean, Cape Leeuwin, near Augusta. The cape is the most south-westerly point of the Australian continent.

Cape Leeuwin Lighhouse is the tallest in Australia (39 m). It is at the southern tip of the Leeuwin Naturaliste National Park which follows the coast line for over 100 km north to Cape Naturaliste.

Yallingup Beach, just south of Cape Naturaliste.

A popular surfing and holiday spot.